May kinda ended on a down turn. One of the riders that attended the poker run last saturday, crashed; and she is in critical condition. Well done to the people on the scene for a reaction that can likely be credited with saving her life. She is currently at still in the hospital, and we(the run organizers) get daily updates from the family.
Other than that, the ride had a small but generous turnout… I don’t know the finally tally yet, but likely over $2000 raised by only 30 attendees… with some shirts still to sell etc.
Coming up, I have Emily’s ride for teen mental health. I achieved my pledge goals by quite a bit, and am very happy to have done so. It doesn’t take much looking around your circle of friends to find someone who has been impacted. If you don’t think you have a friend in your circle that has been impacted by teen mental health, there is someone holding it all in, and might need a strong shoulder. The Ride takes place June 4th, starting in Sherwood Park at CASA house (the charity that helps teens). Scroll to the bottom of the ride home page to read about Emily
Cancer news–
I have my next 3 treatment dates, and it makes a small mess of my summer. But 3 BCG shouldn’t be too bad. I have started getting in better shape, have lost some weight (30 pounds) intentionally and in a controlled fashion. This should help me absorb treatment better.
I am still waiting on the date of my next cystoscopy – there is one week this summer that it would be really bad to happen – so, I will be having a word with Murphy about some Laws/rules/regs that need to be broken if necessary.
May was Bladder Cancer awareness month, so I submitted to have the High Level bridge in Edmonton lit up in Bladder Cancer colors (Yellow with red – see red, see your doctor). It turned out pretty good. I was happy with it.
Motorcycle riding news –
The BCG dates have destroyed my ability to attend the Midnight sun run in Yellowknife later this month, so I have had to take a big look at a calendar and try to figure out some options to still achieve my riding goals. I am a little bit behind the plan right now, but with the removal of what would have been a big mileage week (3500 kms-ish), it means that I need to start looking at 850 kms per week until Sept 30th to achieve my 2016 goals. If I develop a different vacation ride plan, I think that the goal is still within reach before the snow makes me park the bike. The silver lining about the trip being cancelled is that I wasn’t sure I wanted to take the bike on that long of a trip on the current tires as they are approaching the end of their life span – so now I don’t have to replace them 3000 kms early, and can replace them in July.
Website news –
Not sure if people noticed, but I made a bit of a change to the landing page, and the headers.. I have a couple of updates in motion that will take place during June. So keep an eye out and see if you can catch the changes.
I will let you know when the changes are done… if you have comments about what I have been doing, let me know – good or bad, I want to hear feedback.
Overall numbers are good for website views… in May my website was opened 241 times, I am still trying to figure out how to best grow the site… ideas anyone?
Thanks for following me on this journey… stick around, even I am not sure what will happen next.
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