Well, it is December already. 2016 is about to wrap itself up.
I will save a year-end review for the new year, when I welcome 2017… as we can only hope that things improve… initial expectations are not encouraging already. Random link to check out is Bladder Cancer Quotes. It is where I got the featured image for this blog post.
But, November was a busy month.
On the Cancer side of my world – I lost a good friend – see recent posts for details. He was my first “Cancer patient’ friend after I moved to Edmonton as a result of my diagnosis. This happened a week after another friend had lost one of her best friends as well. 2 young lives taken too early… made for a sad birthday week.
My own treatments, tests, and procedures went according to plan, I guess. The Doc still has some areas of concern, but they don’t seem dramatic enough to warrant making a change to the current plan. That makes me happy and so therefore – 2 cystoscopies in a row, have not resulted in a plan change – let us call that a “streak”.
Website and blog wise – As mentioned, I have learned a lot from deep dives into the analytics and details that the internet provides about views, view rates, where people are watching from, and how many pages the switch between each visit, etc etc etc. Personal exchanges with people also let me know what stuff works and what doesn’t. I have been making many notes about what I think works and doesn’t work, and comparing those notes with the notes I am making for future concepts.
Looking ahead
I am taking a short vacation to BC. Just to relax and get ready for the Christmas season – no sense using up vacation days sitting at home in my chair and on my laptop… I do that most days already anyway.
Cancer wise – BCG sessions 19, 20, and 21 start just before Christmas, and run for 3 consecutive Fridays (23, 30 and 6 Jan), so we won’t be going out with people during the holidays, but if people want to come visit us, the odds are really, really, good that we will be taking it easy during that timeframe. I am trying to convince Mrs. to invite people here for a quiet New Years eve party.
All this will lead up to my cystoscopy that will likely be in Feb, which will be what really tells the tale and sets the conditions for the 2017 plan.
Website/blog thoughts – Some of the changes will start hopefully on January 1. The contemplation of the stats etc, has given me some ideas on how to change things moving forward. My next big change will be a layout/theme shift, as some of my ideas may not function as well as I would hope with the current layout/theme.
I am working on my playlist of blog posts (I try to have a rough plan 6 posts ahead – started good last year, but it didn’t hold up all year). If there is something that people would like to hear about, let me know.
I won’t talk about any of the big changes until I am convinced that I can actually achieve them… but part of my goal (and I know I can achieve this one) is a dedication page for people close to me that have fought Cancer to the end. I have 3 posts already in my blog and I want a page just for them.
Just thought I would keep this update short, Christmas is already making everyone’s lives frantic, so thanks for making it this far into the blog post.
I am still interested in people’s ideas, don’t be shy – I guarantee that your ideas are nowhere near as weird as some of the ones I have.
Have a good christmas.
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