I am really behind schedule this month. I had good intentions to get this post out on the first.. really.
I wanted to wait until after my Cysto, so that I had something to report.
The Cysto was May 30th, all is good. Doc is very happy, and we talked about the continued BCG.
Which is where things are de-railing due to paperwork snafu’s. So, I know that I should start BCG again as early as next friday – but paperwork isn’t in order yet… so I don’t know.
Back to why I didn’t get this done to be posted… I got to be the Reviewing Officer for a Cadet parade, back where I grew up. With the weather not looking to co-operate with making it a motorcycle trip (snow in the mountains), so plans C, D, and E, were developed, and plan F was implemented.
The weekend was great, I loved it. I was the big Air Force guy in a small sea of Naval uniforms. So, something I am quite accustomed to. Things were kept small and simple, which helped make for a great weekend.
But, then I got home and needed a couple of days to rest and recover. Continue the phone calls trying to find the details for my next BCG as a big motorcycle trip hangs in the balance. So, without details on that front, I will be taking a week off and riding my bike to Yellowknife for the Midnight sun run (click for poster)…. a bit of a motorcycle rally/fundraiser in the NWT.
So, I need to admit – the stress of the constant waiting is getting to me… I don’t want to plan too many things in order to be ready for whatever the Doctors want to do, but at the same time – I can’t just sit on the edge of my couch and wait for the mail to deliver the dates to me. I am being more pro-active about making the calls and trying to get dates that work better for me…. too bad the paperwork is now what derails it.
But I have made the choices to make the trips – if you are someone who followed my blog last year – I picked up a quote from a group of riders – Epic things don’t happen to Ordinary people. I have never been called ordinary, so I best get to work on my “Epic-ness”.
Next month, I will be much closer to on time, have many things to tell you about – including some bigger updates on my YouTube channel, I should have BCG details, and a couple other newsworthy items to share. I will also be able to put some more attention on the content of the Facebook page – which I am really behind on.
thanks for following along on this journey, please be sure to subscribe, share, comment etc.
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