For some reason – I get myself involved in things that all become due – at once…
I need to stop that… I end up too busy.
That also means that I get behind on my reading and sharing of other Cancer Blogs….
I found this blog post from a person dealing with Breast Cancer – Nancy’s Point
She has been putting challenges out to other patients and bloggers – so, I thought I would share this Challenge.
So, here are ten random questions. I challenge fellow bloggers and you, my dear readers, to answer as many of them as you want in a blog post of your own or for the latter group, via a comment below.
1. Share anything you want about your cancer diagnosis (or your loved one’s). Share your age, cancer type, stage, when you were diagnosed, family history (if any), your reaction, how you learned the news, or whatever you’re comfortable sharing.
I was diagnosed in 2014, while living in the Canadian Arctic. I was 43 and diagnosed with Bladder Cancer – stage 1, but High Grade (trying to be more invasive). I have no family history, and this is a cancer known for hazard exposure (normally lifetime smokers in their 70s).
I reacted by buying a motorcycle between the doctor’s office and the airport.
2. What is the most outrageous thing someone has said to you about your (or your loved one’s) cancer?
“It will be hard for me to handle – so I won’t be in your life anymore’.
3. What is your biggest cancer pet peeve? I know it’s hard to choose, as there are many to pick from, right? But what irks you the most?
I agree that there are many peeves, but one of the biggest ones is the people who want to be PC dealing with Cancer and say that “it’s not a battle”…. well you are fucking WRONG. You have to have the attitude that you will beat it, or die trying.
4. What is something you want others to know specifically about your cancer?
I am not the typical patient for Bladder Cancer. I am proof that A- routine doctor visits can’t kill you, and B- it can happen to you.
5. If applicable, do you worry about recurrence rarely, from time to time or a lot? What is your biggest worry today, right now, this minute?
I don’t worry about recurrence – knowing that I have 60 to 80% recurrence rate – I will just be as prepared as possible when it happens.
6. Do you feel cancer has made you a better person? Yes, I know this a loaded question. If you do, specifically in what way?
Not really – changes in some priorities – but I don’t think that it has made me better or worse.
7. What is your favorite cancer book?
I don’t really have one – I am finding that I am reading less these days… my mind wanders more while reading.
8. Besides your family, where do you turn for emotional support?
Other cancer patients mostly – having moved cities as a result of diagnosis, my new friends in a new city, were all cancer patients.
9. How many cancer blogs do you read and why do you read them?
I peruse as many blogs as I can find, I read them to learn more about the challenges others have had to increase my perspective because every patient – just like every cancer – is different.
10. Do you call yourself an advocate? If so, what drives you?
Not really.
And now it’s YOUR turn!
If you’re a blogger and decide to take up this challenge, feel free to come back and add a link to your post in a comment below. If you’re a blog reader, share a response, or two, or three (or more) with a comment below.
Thank you in advance for participating!
Ok, so that is my response to Nancy’s challenge.
Monthly update stuff –
BCG treatment sucked – knocked me on my ass quite handily.
I already have my next scope date – 1 Sept.
I already have my next BCG dates 12, 19, and 26 January 2018.. so now to plan a cool christmas holiday.
August should hold some good motorcycle riding for me – I am heading to BC for a charity ride (The Rolling Barrage ) which is a PTSD awareness and fundraising event that I am helping to plan and facilitate.. then vacation my way back.
thanks for following along – I will make a point of updating again after my next cystoscopy. That way I can really tell you about the annual awareness walk stuff..
oh- and I was on the radio and TV – but I will be linking all that into my september update to talk about the walk – and you want to see the clip of me on TV right….
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