The good news – February was a quiet month.
The bad news – February was a quiet month.
My plan last month was to recover from the January treatments. I intentionally didn’t have anything scheduled that would interfere with that.
I only had one Doctors appointment with the military Doc, which added more to the “we are in a new chapter now, this could prove surprising” side of 2018. So, we will see where that goes.
Overall, I recovered well from treatments. Side effects weren’t as bad as they were last July. I was really happy about that.
I posted part 1 of my opinion trilogy – so far with good reviews. March 15th will be the drop of the next post in the series. The funny part about it – is that I am starting to develop a 4th part. Isn’t that just like me – giving you 4 parts to a trilogy.
I have been putting a lot of thoughts into the opinion posts, as all the worlds drama gives me plenty of things to formulate an opinion on. I just want to make the commentary uniquely mine. My goal is to see how I feel after a year of these posts.
Coming up –
trying to plan out the rest of the year. Could be entertaining, now that I am on the road to recovery, I need to figure out where I am going, when etc. Not just for places to visit, I actually need to plan the rest of my life.
Growing up and getting a real job is making me surf university websites for more online courses I can be doing.
I had the master plan of winning the lottery – no luck so far.
Motorcycle season is coming, and some riding ideas with google maps occupies me for a while.
with it being a quiet month, nothing much to add. Life goes on.
I have a feeling my April Fools day update will add more information, as I know a bunch of things will happen.
Thanks for reading and following along in my journey. None of us know the destination, so it is fun to find out together.
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