I won’t write a post on Dec 31/Jan 1 this time around.
Not a “new year, new me”.
Things will continue to be what they have been the last few years – the only thing that I can count on and predict, will be that nothing will be predictable.
I found some inspiration on how to approach my end of year musings, from a post in another blog – specifically Dwain DeVille . Although directed at company bigwigs, I think that many of the concepts apply to individuals as well.
Just like I have promoted this before with links to the MFCEO project, where Andy Frisella reminds people that you are the CEO in charge of you, and your life. So, take control and lead it to the path you want. This podcast has finished its run, but is totally worth checking out.
Treating your life in the manner of business – might not be a bad thing.
Quick Cancer updates:
Mine – had my semi-annual cystoscopy this month – all clear. 3 more years (6 scopy’s if anyone else is counting) before they should drop me to annual for the rest of my life, and odds of recurrence drops to 60%. Yes, I take that as good news.
Others – Cancer has popped up again in my family and friends network within the last month. This is not cool. I can only offer encouragement, support, and motivation, if they want to hear it.
The reality is – that is all anyone can offer.
In years past, I have made a year in review post trying to wax poetic about this and that. Maybe quote my old friend Neil, who over the years has always said – he will just try to do exactly what he did last year, but better.
This year I won’t .
With that in mind I look more specifically at Dwain DeVille (link above), and blatently take his blog post and will contort it to my own means by taking a few of his posted concepts and apply them to my world.
What was your greatest success this year?
One needs to look at “what went right”. We spend so much time wallowing in the “what went wrong”. I have done it – many times. It is easier to look at what has gone wrong, which increases the ability to find other things that went wrong. So reverse it – find what went right, what you liked about it – then do more of that.
Who were your superstars?
In business, you want to find and replicate them. In life, you want to keep them close.
My superstar is my wife – no doubt about it. Through the ups and downs, the all arounds (and all over).
I have many other supporters that go without much acknowledgement. They reach out, call for drinks, or just touch base occasionally. I want them all to know that I appreciate it, and hope to pay it forward.
What did you start doing this year that you will do again next year? and
What new thing will you start doing next year?
For me, this is simple. In 2019, we started taking our life back and trying to do things for us. In 2020, we will start doing some things that allow us to do more of that.
What were your most important learning experiences?
For me, this one was easiest to answer in the business of my life. I stepped back into full time work, and wrapping my brain into being under pressure again was a learning experience. I am not as capable as I felt I once was, and it is taking me longer to get back into the “groove”. See previous blog post about Momentuum
Lastly, next year will considered a success if……..
Honestly, this is a tougher one to answer, but the reality is – as long as we are working towards our goals, dreams, and our future, it will be successful.
As always, thanks for reading this far.
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I would also like to encourage everyone to check out Davids blog. He plans to write more, and I will likely share much of it.
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