I was waiting for my next Cysto date.
I think that I am getting better at waiting… please note – I didn’t say I was getting more patient, or perceived as having patience. I was waiting for my next cysto date. The biggest thing that drives me up a wall, is that I never really know what is coming next… sometimes I think I have an idea, but not enough fidelity to really make some plans. I lucked out for a couple of months, knowing that my next event would be in November, so I booked an October trip and got to see the kids in Halifax.
The first of November came, still no letter from the Doc giving me the next date.
It finally came, it has made things worse…. really, it did. I have my next cysto date and of all the days that you would think that it would be in November – it is the worst possible day. No, being a military guy – it isn’t on Remembrance Day. It is on my fucking birthday….. just what I really wanted when I turned 45, a fishing pole treatment (listen to the YouTube link for the joke).
Other things are tracking along, I have a plan for a post soon about the results of my analysis of stats, views, summaries, and all the things that make this online content tick. It really has been interesting to learn about some of the stuff, not just what information is being tracked on this cheap site (meaning I won’t pay money for better analytics). It will mean that some things will fall by the wayside, some will be tweaked, some new items might get added, and I want to adjust the focus as we roll into the new year.
Oct saw the first fall snows here in Edmonton, but luckily, we are having a bit of a heat wave, so I have a couple of days to get some more riding in while I can. I am pretty pumped about it. With the colder weather, I have been stuck at home more. This has allowed me to get back into playing with leather projects again. I have already finished one projects, and am moving some of the other projects along nicely. My intent will be to post videos of the projects on the YouTube channels when things get going (but more about that in a future blog post).
So far, I don’t have much in the program for December. I will be undergoing BCG treatments from 23 December, until 6 January. So, my New Years Eve will be quiet at home – anyone want to come here? I know that I will have some military appointments, but all should be quiet.
Anyway, wanted to keep this one short, which I think will be better for people to view, which might lead to more recurring views – but more about that in a future post. Thanks for joining me on this journey.
I really hope that I get a muffin this time.
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